Ferghana branch of TUIT holds Republican scientific and technical conference

From 30 to 31 May, 2019, the Ferghana branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorezmi will hold the Republican scientific-technical conference on “Modern problems and solutions of information and communication technologies and telecommunications.”

The conference will be based on the following topics:

Actual problems of modern software production and their solutions (mansurbek uzb@mail.ru, +998999992266);
The role of information and communication technologies in teaching natural sciences (note @ umail uz, +998972144682);
The Use and Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Various Societies (mamatiso2015 @ yandex. Com, +998905346581);
Problems and solutions of modern telecommunication, radioelectronics and optoelectronics (kuldashov.abbos@mail.ru, +998903900692);
The use of electronic resources in education, modern teaching methods, pedagogical and psychological technologies and innovative ways of their creation (bilolov1959@mail.ru, +998933732410);
Automatic methods of automation of technological processes, innovative methods of creation of robotics and electronic devices, industrial and telecommunication information security (sulton59 15@inbox.ru, +998912850736);
The Role of Digital Economy in the Development of Society (Abdumalikk@umail.uz, +998999926058);
All conditions for the presentation of lectures are: personal computer, internet, electronic projector and necessary software.

Working languages ​​of the conference: Uzbek, Russian and English.


The lecture texts are printed in the original language. Lecture size 3 pages.
The text should be arranged in the A4 format sheet with the following borders: the top border – 2 cm, the lower border – 2 cm, the left margin – 3,0 cm, the right margin – 2 cm. Interval interval 1.0. pages will not be listed. The text of the thesis is written in the MS Word (* .docx) text editor, font size is Times New Roman, in 14 sizes.
Official demand:
– The name of the lecture should be typed in the middle of the line without capitalizing on the syllables;

– name, surname, last name, work place of the author (s) in one interval;

– a speeches of the speeches are given in the interval (written by author’s choice);

– Following is a list of publications;

The electronic version of the transcript should be sent to the e-mail address specified in the separate file on May 15 (delayed materials will not be accepted).

are sent to the e-mail address or the telegram number indicated in the above sections.

– The author is personally responsible for the information contained in the reports and theses.

4. The conference reports will be published without any changes or additions to the original.

The lecture articles are not reviewed. Certificates and invitations to be included in the agenda of the conference will be sent to authors by May 20, 2019.

5. For participation in the conference 30 000 sum is paid for each article.

The organizational payment will be made by May 20, 2019 and details of remittances to the bank account are provided below.

Farghona branch of Tashkent University of Information Technology named after Muhammad al-Khorezmi

Account Number: 23402000300100001010

INN: 201122919

MFO: 00014

ShXR: 400110860304017950100078002

INN: 205765265


Fergana branch of TUIT named after Muhammad al-Khorezm, 185 Mustakillik street, Fergana city, 150118, Republic of Uzbekistan. Phone: (8-373) 226-82-09.



tel .: + (99899) 992-60-58, + (99890) 631-60-58, + (99873) 226-82-09, + (99873) 226-82-19 e-mail: konf @ tatuff. uz

Abdumalikk@umail.uz, Abdumalikk_1985@inbox.uz website: http://konf.tatuff.uz

Information about the participant of the Republican scientific-technical conference “Modern problems and solutions of information and communication technologies and telecommunications”

Author of the author:

Place of work:


Scientific degree:

Academic title:

Phone number and email address:

Type of lecture (at plenary session, affiliated meeting)

Subsidiary direction:

Title of the lecture: