Head of the department

Otajonov Jamshidbek Mashrabjonovich

Phone : +998901660033

Email : otajonov.jamshidbek@mail.ru


The Department of Professional Education was established on the basis of decision No. 7 of May 5, 2008 of the Academic Council of the Fergana branch of TATU and the order of the director of the branch No. 06-44 / 2 of June 2, 2008.

In the initial period, 12 full-time professors worked at the department, including 2 associate professors, 3 senior lecturers and 7 assistants. In addition, 1 professor and 3 associate professors worked on the basis of 4 deputies. The scientific potential of the department was 22.5 percent.

The department taught such subjects as Pedagogy, Pedagogical technologies and pedagogical skills, Methods of teaching special subjects, Methods of teaching computer science, Technologies and means of distance learning, Pedagogical technical means, Professional psychology, Modern educational and technical means, Basics of consulting, Technology education. The first head of the department in 2008-2012 was the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor Mirzakarimov B.A.

Since September 2013, the name of the department has been changed to “Information and Educational Technologies” in accordance with the order of TUIT.

The department conducts theoretical and practical training in all areas of undergraduate and graduate education.

In 2013-2015, the department was headed by associate professor T.M. Ummatkulov, candidate of pedagogical sciences. Since the 2015-2016 academic year, the department has been headed by Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Abdurakhmanov S.M.

Since October 2020, the department has been headed by Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor I.Bilolov.

The department cooperates with TUIT, FerSU, FerPI, ASU, NamSU.

Scientific and methodological work is being carried out at the department . Professors and teachers of the department conduct research work on the development of new pedagogical technologies and the introduction of effective teaching methods. Employees of the department take part with articles and abstracts in scientific and practical conferences held at the international republican and industry level. In addition, all professors and teachers of the department were trained in advanced training courses.

The department established the implementation of research work on the basis of business contracts. Professors-teachers of the department are actively working to train specialists in the field of ICT in professional colleges.

An electronic version of the educational and methodological complex is being prepared on the subjects taught at the department, and the electronic version is placed in the information resource center of the branch and on all computers of the department.


To date, the main staff of the department consists of 10 professors and 1 head of the cabinet . Of the teachers of the department 4 associate professors, 6 assistants .

The teachers of the department were entrusted with the task of entering all the information on the subjects taught at the department into the ZiyoNET network and updating the entered ones and a plan was drawn up. Teaching aids, texts of lectures and methodological developments prepared by the department were transferred to the industry information and resource center. Students use them. Classes are equipped with computers and have electronic textbooks.

Each academic year, the department, according to the plan, conducts scientific and methodological seminars. In the scientific and methodological seminars of the department, guidelines, scientific articles, the issues of studying and applying new pedagogical technologies in the educational process are considered, and they bear fruit.

Professors and teachers of the department take an active part in the preparation of well-known scholarship holders from among the students of the department.

The department has a plan for working with gifted students, and special attention is paid to them. Talented students are assigned to each subject teacher , who are provided with practical assistance in writing scientific articles and guidelines.

Additional work with talented students is planned at the department. A student of group 620-17 under the guidance of associate professor I.Bilolov was awarded a scholarship named after A.Umarov al-Khwarizmi.

Today, the department teaches such subjects as “Creative Education”, “Scientific Education”, “Educational Infographics”, ” Media Education “, “Distance Educational Technologies”, ” Technologies for Creating Electronic Educational Resources “, ” Development of E – Content in Education” and “Educational Technologies”.


In the 2022-2023 academic year, 258 students of the department are studying the basics of modern science in the direction of “Professional education in the field of ICT”. The department is fully equipped with modern computer classes, educational literature, scientific, methodological and spiritual educational resources.

The department adopted a long-term plan for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel for 2021-2025. Each professor-teacher conducts research according to his scientific plans. Professors and teachers of the department are actively working on doctoral dissertations. In recent years, all young professors have been ordered to send them to targeted doctoral studies and receive the status of independent researchers.

Based on the plan of the department, measures are taken to increase the scientific potential of the department.

Members of the department conduct scientific research on the basis of new information and pedagogical technologies in the scientific field, explore computer technologies, conduct experiments and mathematical calculations of the data received from them, and also carry out scientific work, teaching activities, work to test the ability to present and pass exams before defending doctoral thesis as a scientific researcher, as well as the preparation of the necessary documents.

Former employee of the department Sotvoldiev Dilshodzhon defended his Ph.D. thesis on June 13, 2021.

The academic lyceum TUIT FF at the department, the 19th school in the specialty “Informatics and Information Technology” of the city of Fergona and the 1st school in the specialty “Informatics and Information Technologies” of the Bulokbashi district of the Andijan region carry out scientific, educational and methodological work with the department.

The department is working on innovative developments, attracting talented students to scientific research, planning work to achieve positive results.

List of subjects taught at the department

Bachelor ‘s degree :

  1. Theory of Education
  2. educational psychology
  3. Introduction to Latex
  4. Introduction to Machine Learning
  5. Pedagogy. Psychology
  6. creative education
  7. Science education
  8. media education
  9. Distance learning technologies
  10. Technologies for creating electronic educational resources
  11. Introduction to Education
  12. Curriculum, assessment and assessment
  13. Digital technologies in education
  14. Educational technologies
  15. Education infographic
  16. Methodology of teaching special subjects
  17. Pedagogical web design

Master’s degree:

  1. Supervision of the master’s thesis


  1. Otajonov Jamshidbek Mashrabjonovich- assistant professor
  2. Bilolov Inomjon Oktamovich _ – associate professor
  3. Kadyrov Hasanboy Oribjonovich – assistant professor
  4. Radjabova Khurshida Khusanboevna – assistant
  5. Abdullazhonova Nurzoda Nurmuhammadovna – assistant
  6. Isroilov Sharofiddin Makhammadyusupovich – assistant
  7. Otakhonova Zamira Muratovna- assistant
  8. Mavlonova Dilnozakhon Shukhratjon qizi-assistant


  1. Abdurakhmanov Sultanat Mukaramovich – Associate Professor
  2. Dilbarzhanov Avazbek Ravshanbek ugli – assistant
  3. Okhunov Tokhir Mamurjon ugli – assistant

Textbooks and study guides

  1. N.Jo`rayev, N.Abdullajonova «Mediata’lim». darslik, 242 s. “Classic” nashriyoti-2023
  2. И.Билолов «Теория образования». Учебное пособие, 324 с. “Cлассиc” нашриёти-2022
  3. M.Abduraxmonov “Avtomotika elementlari va avtomatllashtirish texnologiyalari” monografiya / “Classic” nashriyoti-2021
  4. M.Abduraxmonov “LaTeXga kirish” O‘quv qo‘llanma. 2021 y. Farg‘ona, “Poligraf Super Servis” MChJ
  5. O‘.Bilolov.”Pedagogik dasturiy vositalar va pedagogik web dizayn”. O‘quv qo‘llanma. 2019 y. Farg‘ona, “Poligraf Super Servis” MChJ
  6. M.Abduraxmonov. Real vaqt tizimlari. O‘quv qo‘llanma. 2018 y. 148 b. Farg‘ona, “Poligraf Super Servis” MChJ
  7. O‘.Bilolov. Elektron ta’lim resurslarini yaratish texnologiyalari. O‘quv qo‘llanma. 2018 y. 252b. Farg‘ona, “Poligraf Super Servis” MChJ
  8. M.Abduraxmonov. Ta’lim tizimini boshqarish. O‘quv qo‘llanma. 2019 y. 202 b. Farg‘ona, “Poligraf Super Servis” MChJ
  9. M.Mirzaqulov, S.M.Abduraxmonov. Visual C++ dasturlash tilining o‘rganish asoslari.  O‘quv qo‘llanma. 2019 y. 182 b. Farg‘ona, “Poligraf Super Servis” MChJ
  10. O‘.Bilolov. Pedagogik dasturiy vositalar va pedagogic web dizayn. O‘quv qo‘llanma. 2019 y. 235b. Farg‘ona, “Poligraf Super Servis” MChJ.
  11. И.У.Билолов. Введение в образование. Учебное пособие. 2020г. 270 стр. Фергана, “Poligraf Super Servis” OOO.
  12. M.Abduraxmonov. LaTex ga kirish. O‘quv qo‘llanma. 2021 y. 215 b. Farg‘ona, “Poligraf Super Servis” MChJ
  13. A.Khaydarov. Informatika va ixtisoslik fanlarini o‘qitish asoslari. O‘quv qo‘llanma. 2021 y. 120b. Farg‘ona, “Poligraf Super Servis” MChJ.

Scientific articles

  1. Хайдаров, А., Султонов, С., & Билолов, И. (2022). ВЛИЯНИЕ ОТЖИГА НА РАЗМЕРЫ КРИСТАЛЛИЧЕСКИХ ЛАМЕЛЕЙ ПОЛИКАПРАМИДА. Theoretical aspects in the formation of pedagogical sciences1(7), 319-321.
  2. Abdullajonova, N. N., & Tursunaliev, E. (2022). INFORMATIKA DARSLARIDA MEDIAMATNLAR TAXLILI. Ta’lim fidoyilari4, 10-15.
  3. Bilolov I.O‘. Yuldasheva X. Umarov A. Ta’lim muassasalarida axborot kommunikatsion texnologiyalariga oid fanlarni o‘qitishning zamonaviy usullari EURASIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL  THEORY AND COMPUTER SCIENCES, olume 2 Issue 02, February  2022
  4. Хайдаров А.А. Изучение некоторых термических характеристик поликапроамида Международный  научно-образователный  электронный  журнал  «ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ И НАУКА В ХХИ ВЕКЕ» Выпуск №22  (том 6)  (январ, 2022)
  5. Хайдаров А.А. Исроилов Ш. Корхона иқтисодий холатини мониторинг қилиш. Международный  научно-образователный  электронный  журнал  «ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ И НАУКА В ХХИ ВЕКЕ» Выпуск №10  (том 4)  (январ, 2022)
  6. Bilolov I. O‘. Umarov A. D. Mustaqil ta’limni tashkil etish va nazorat qilish texnologiyalarini tahlili va unga tavsiyalar. Analytical  Journal  of Education  and  Development. Volume: 02 Issue: 03 | 2022.
  7. Rajabova X.X. Professional Psychological  Competence Its Factors and Types Eurasian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. Volume 5, February 2022
  8. Oxunov T.M. Abduraxmonov S.B. Maqsudov I.A Davlat boshqaruv idoralari axborot resurslari konfidensialligini ta’minlashning huquqiy asoslari SCIENTIFIC-METHODICAL JOURNAL OF “SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS” September 2021
  9. F.M.Mukhtarov, T.M.Okhunov   Value of digital diplomacy in ensuring national security of the state   «OBRAZOVANIE I NAUKA V XXI VEKE»  Xalqaro ilmiy jurnal.30.11.2021
  10. М.Турдиматов, Г.Боратова  Моделирование системы безопасности информации на защищаемых объектах “Oriental Renaissance: Innavative,  educational, nature and social sciences”  scientific journal in March 2022.
  11. M.Turdimatov, G.Boratova  M.Ashirmatov Korxona va tashkilotlarda axborot havfsizligini ta’minlash majburiyatlarini taqsimlash va kompleks amalga oshirish “International Journal of innovative research” – Aprel,  4-son, 3399-3403 bet. 2022 yil.
  12. Sh.Isroilov  Savdo tarmoqlarida axborot almashinuvini va avtomatlashtirilgan monitoringi “Juornal of new century innovations” international interdisciolinary Volume – 7_ Issue-3_Iyun_ 2022
  13. D.Xalilov Sh.Isroilov Savdo tarmqlarida manitoring tizimlari va dasturiy vositalar orqali ish faoliyatini olib borish Образование и наука в ХХИ веке” Международный научно-образователный электронный журнал V Номер «27» 2022 ISSN 2782-4365
  14. Abduraxmonov S.M., Ibragimov Sh.Ta’lim tizimida baholashning asosiy mezonlari va uning axamiyati FarDU ilmiy xabarlari, 2022,№2, 258-262.
  15. Abduraxmonov S.M., Bilolov I.O‘., Bilolov B.O‘. Ta’lim tizimini modernizatsiyalashda Bolonya jarayoni ahamiyati. Mejdunarodnogo  nauchnogo  jurnala  «GLOBAL  SCIENCE  AND INNOVATIONS 2020: CENTRAL ASIA», Nur-Sultan (Astana), Kazaxstan. 2020,53-55
  16. Abduraxmonov S.M., Kuldashov O.X., Fayzimatov B.N., Mirzajanov M.A., Bilolov I.U.  Automated Complex of Anti-Birds Airport Protection International Journal of ENGINEERING RESEARCh AND TEChNOLOGY
  17. Абдурахмонов С.М.  Система для обеспечения орнитологической  безопасности в аэропортах гражданской авиации Безопасноц труда в промышленности. — 2020. — № 10. — S. 61–64.  DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2020-10-61-64
  18. Абдурахмонов С.М.  Автоматизированная система обеспечения орнитологической безопасности аэропорта. Автоматика и программная инженерия. 2020, №1(31)
  19. Абдурахмонов С.М.  Автоматизированная система управления водными ресурсами на основе элементов компютерной автоматики. Автоматика и программная инженерия. 2020, №3(33)
  20. Abduraxmonov S.M.  About automated measuring systems in the production of bulk products.  ACADEMICIA An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal Vol. 10, Issue 10, October 2020 pp.1299-1304.
  21. Abduraxmonov S.M. Karimov U. A.  Fermer va dehqon xo‘jaliklarini yagona elektron bazasini takomillashtirish to‘g‘risida. Polish science journal, issue 5(38) part 2, warsaw, poland Wydawnictwo Naukowe “iScience” 2021,pp.108-110.
  22. Абдурахмонов С.М., Кулдашов О. Х..  Автоматический уровнемер жидкости для взрывоопасных зон Научное приборостроение, 2021, том 31, № 1, c. 66–72
  23. S.M. Abdurakhmonov Increasing the Thermostability of Optoelectronic Devices on Semiconductor Radiators. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education. Vol.12 No.3(2021), 3112-3119
  24. Абдурахмонов С.М Автоматизирован-ная система управления водными ресурсами  НТЖ ФерПИ, 2020, Т.24, спес.вып. №.1.Стр.66-70.
  25. Абдурахмонов С.М.  Каскадли бошқариш  тизимлари технологик жараёнларни автоматлаштиришда қўлланиши НТЖ ФерПИ, 2020, Т.24, спес.вып. №.1.Стр.185-188.
  26. Абдурахмонов С.М О системах стабилизатсии выходных параметров микро ГЭС. Jurnal.UZBEKGIDRO ENERGETIKA., 2020, №2(6), str.33-36
  27. Abdullajonova N.N. Neyron tarmog‘ini tashkil etish УЧЁНЫЙ ХХИ ВЕКА, научный журнал,  №12-7, 2020
  28. X.X.Rajabova, M.E.Ashirmatova  Bo‘lajak o‘qituvchilarda kasbiy kompetentlikni shakllantirish yo‘llari. Maktab va xayot. Toshkent №4 (152) 2020. 17 dekabr. str. 34-38.
  29. Abduraxmonov S.M., Ibragimov Sh.  Talabalarning mustaqil ishlarini tashkil etishning tashkiliy usullari xaqida. FarDU ilmiy xabarlari. 2020. №5., 129-134 betlar.
  30. Абдурахмонов С.М.  Автоматизированная система обеспечения орнитологической безопасности аэропорта НТЖ ФерПИ, 2020, Т.24, спес.вып. №.1. Стр.125-129
  31. Абдурахмонов С.М. ва бошқалар Автоматизирован-ное солнечное устройства для протсионной подготовки горячей воды Сведителство об офитсиалной регистратсии ПАТЕНТА № IAP 06090,  07.11.2019г.
  32. Abduraxmonov S.M. va boshqalar Suv sarfi va suv oqimini enerгetik imkoniyatini aniqlash mikroprotsessorli qurilma dasturi Сведителство об офитсиалной регистратсии программы для электронных-вычислителных машин  DGU 07319, 09.12.2019г
  33. Abduraxmonov S.M. va boshqalar “PDF” fayilidan zaruriy sitatalarni ajratib olishni avtomatlashtirish uchun dasturiy modul Сведителство об офитсиалной регистратсии программы для электронных-вычислителных машин  DGU 06638, 24.06.2019г
  34. Abduraxmonov S.M. va boshqalar Satxni o‘lchash va boshqarishni tashkil etuvchi mikrokontrollerlar dasturiy moduli Сведителство об офитсиалной регистратсии программы для электронных-вычислителных машин  DGU 06462, 17.06.2019г.
  35. Абдурахмонов С.М. и другие Разработка приспособления прихватки олова к терминалу или заливки терминалу олово. Certificate jf copyriгht. Oriгinal Siгn of INTEROCO. EC-01-002680. February 10.2020  
  36. Абдурахмонов С.М.,Ражабов М.Ж., Ражабова Х.Х. Педагогик касбий фаолият деформатсиялари тадқиқоти// ФерПИ, научно-технический журнал2018 выпуск стр.178-182.
  37. Абдурахмонов М., Билолов И.У. Замонавий электрон таълим ресурсларини яратиш технологиялари//ФерПИ, научно-технический журнал 2018, Спес.выпуск. стр.189-192
  38. Аъзамов Т.Н., Абдурахмонов С.М. Математический модели протсесса производства керамических изделий. // ФерПИ, научно-технический журнал. 2018, Спес.выпуск стр.45-50
  39. Rajabova X., Rajabov M. Televizion ishontirish yoki manipulyatsiya// World social sclence. Scientific-practical journal, 2018 №6(6)  125-127
  40. Bilolov, U. Xudoynazarov. Ma’lumotlarni simmetrik shifrlash algoritmlarida foydalaniladigan bir tomonlama funksiyalar// ФерПИ, научно-технический журнал. 2018, Спетс.выпуск. стр.133-141
  41. A. Примова, С.Н. Искандарова, У.У. Худойназаров. Задачи многокритериалной оптимизатсии при нечетком задании критерийев.// ФерПИ, научно-технический журнал.2018, Спетс.выпуск. стр.127-132
  42. Хайдаров А.А. Влиянийе отжига на толщину кристаллических ламелей поликапрамида. ФерПИ, научно-технический журнал. 2018, Спетс.выпуск. стр.182-184.
  43. Abduraxmonov S.M., Bilolov I.O‘. Zamonaviy axborot-kommunikatsion texnologiyalar yordamida intellektual o‘qitish tizimlarini tashkil etish. “Muxammad al-Xorazmiy izdoshlari” mavzusidagi Respublika ilmiy-texnikaviy anjumani. TATU Urgench filiali, 2018 yil, 94-96 betlar.
  44. Abduraxmonov S.M., Bilolov I.O‘. Zamonaviy elektron ta’lim resurslarini yaratish bo‘yicha tavsiyalar. FarDU ilmiy xabarlar. №5-son 2018 y. 17-22 betlar.
  45. Абдурахмонов С.М., Билолов И.У. Универсалный тестовый пакет для контроля знаний по информатсионно-коммуникатсионной технологии. IV международной конференции по Оптическим и фотоелектрическим явлениям в полупроводниковых микро- и наноструктурах. Част 3. Фергана 2018, стр. 44-46
  46. Abdullajonova N.N., Xomidova N.Y. Oliy ta’lim tizimida elektron darsliklarгa qo‘yilayotгan normativ talablar va ularninг amalda qo‘llanilishi// World social sclence. Scientific-practical journal. 2018. №6(6) . str.3-4
  47. Абдуллажонова Н.Н. Преимущества и недостатки исползования мултимедиа в обучении школников// World social sclence. Scientific-practical journal. 2018. №6(6). стр.4-5
  48. Абдуллажонова Н.Н, Худойназаров У.У., К вопросу об экспертных обучающих системах// World social sclence. Scientific-practical jurnal. 2018. №6(6) . стр.6-7
  49. Турдиматов М.М. Методы вычислений и алгоритмический реализатсии стандартных функсий// ФерПИ, научно-технический журнал. 2018, выпуск. стр.144-147.