“Running Marathon” under the slogan “We are a healthy lifestyle for young people”

On April 12, 2019, under the slogan “We are a supporter of healthy lifestyle,” under the motto “Supporting healthy lifestyle,” on April 12, 2019 in order to ensure the implementation of five initiatives put forward at the extended meeting held on 19 March 2019 in Ferghana, The “Running Marathon”, the job fair on youth employment, the healthcare services for the promotion of healthy lifestyles, the wide involvement of youth in the sports and culture circles. On April 12, 2019, a marathon commenced at 8.00 on “Al-Ferghani” street, Fergana city. The branch students took part in the meeting with the head of the Branch Sport Club Kh.Arabboyev.

At 9:00 am, medical staff of the Regional Health Department held a free medical examination of the residents and students of Fergana city. At the job fair held in the garden, graduates of the 4th graders of the branch took part and signed 3-way agreements with factory-factories interested in their profession.