The branch has an official telegram channel for branch students and other social networking users who use blogging on social networks. The official telegram channel address is called https: // The branch’s official telegram channel ( provides updates on higher education for students and channel observers, entrants’ applications, and information on higher education institutions located in Uzbekistan and abroad. Information, motivational videos of interest to education, economic and scientific news in the country and around the world, sports news, as well as innovative programs created by the students of the branch. Apart from the above, this Telegram channel will host a variety of interesting anonymous surveys, prize-winning contests for our channel participants, which are mostly ICT-based and can be attended by all Telegram users. Subscribers of the official telegram channel branch ( are now mostly branch students and applicants from different regions. Telegram channel capabilities – This telegram channel is affiliated with the official website of the branch ( and the channel admin can ask questions by asking a special telegram bureau or by pressing the admin button. Currently, the official channel of this branch ( has more than 1,740 participants, and this channel is run by a talented student of the branch, J.Tuychiev.

According to the letter of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 87-04-81 dated January 16, 2019, the implementation of the action plan for the implementation of the state youth policy in the Ferghana branch of TUIT named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi in 2019. The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Fergana according to the letter of the Regional AIDS Center of 01 March 2019 01-08 / 195 from March 6, 2019 organized a meeting of students of the branch “AIDS. Human life”. The staff of the regional AIDS center informed the students about HIV and its negative effects on the human body. Roundtables were held in groups.

According to the results of the meeting, which was held on March 13, 2019 at the Kuvasoy Vocational College of Economics, Service and Service in Kuvasai, Ferghana region, at 4 vocational colleges from Kuvasai, some activities have been conducted to create free clubs for unorganized youth. In particular, Kuvasai city mayor A.Mamajonov, deputy mayor of Youth Affairs, B.Fozilov, chairman of the Youth Union district and heads of four professional colleges organized a list of clubs. Full name of the managers, telephone numbers, date, time of each circle and phone numbers were formed. Also, presentations and instructions for young people engaged in entrepreneurial activities were developed. In order to improve the effectiveness of 21 professional training courses and circles organized at 4 professional colleges of Kuva district, the languages, humanities and social sciences, Information technologies of Fergana branch of TUIT and 10 Methodist teachers from the Department of Natural Sciences.

On March 14, 2019 the head of the department of youth affairs, spirituality and enlightenment of the branch under the order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education No. 917 A. Rayimov “Secularity – not secularism” He gave lectures to students of the Economic College of Kuvasai and the unorganized youth around the college. The event was attended by about 150 young people. On March 16, 2019, Fergana State University’s Center for Youth Entrepreneurship held a seminar on “Youth Week” organized by Ferghana State University. Students of 17 groups actively participated. The same day at 15.00 in the large conference hall of the Ferghana State University, TPU FF, TTA FF, the vice rector of FerSU, the head of the department of spirituality, the deputy dean for youth work, the leader of the university, psychologists, educators participated, The meeting was attended by the coaches council, press secretary, chair of the women’s council, deputy directors of the lyceum. The meeting was held on the theme of vocational training of unorganized youth of Yozyovon district. The meeting was led by Otabek Bozorov, Head of the Center for Spirituality and Enlightenment at the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education.