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2019 yilning 2, 3 aprel kunlari filial Gumanitar va ijtimoiy fanlar kafedrasi mudiri, dotsent Sh.Holmatov O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Milliy gvardiyasi 83721-sonli Harbiy qismi ofitser va serjantlariga Sohibqiron Amir Temur tavalludining 683 yilligi munosabati bilan “Amir Temurning jahon hamjamiyatida tutgan o‘rni” mavzusida ma’ruza qilib, ular bilan qizg‘in munozara va davra suhbatini amalga oshirdi.
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From 30 to 31 May, 2019, the Ferghana branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorezmi will hold the Republican scientific-technical conference on “Modern problems and solutions of information and communication technologies and telecommunications.” The conference will be based on the following topics: Actual problems of modern software production and their solutions (mansurbek, +998999992266); The role of information and communication technologies in teaching natural sciences...
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On April 7 in Fergana city, the Ferghana State University hosted a meeting with the representatives of higher education institutions and organizations and organizations on April 7 in connection with “International Health Day” on volleyball, track and field athletics and swimming. competitions were held. 15 teams submitted applications to the competition organizers to participate in the competition. On the same day, all the teams were cleaned and the competition was...
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On April 5, 2019 at the initiative of the boarding school for children with disabilities Muruvvat in Fergana, TUIT named after Muhammad al-Khorezmi was promoted under the slogan “We are not inferior to anyone” in the meeting hall of the Ferghana branch. 620-17, 630-17, 640-16, 650-16 and 611-17, 612-16, 610-16, 611-16 groups of Computer Engineering faculty participated at the event. The event was followed by presentations by board members of...
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Round table on theme: “We are against radicalism, missionary and proselytizing”, “Youth is a healthy lifestyle” on the basis of the letter of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of March 11, 2017, № 87-01-193 March 27, 2019 at the Academic Lyceum of the Branch. The co-organizer is the head of the Spirituality and Enlightenment Department of the Ferghana Regional Office of the Muslim Board of Uzbekistan, the...
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