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Round table on theme: “We are against radicalism, missionary and proselytizing”, “Youth is a healthy lifestyle” on the basis of the letter of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of March 11, 2017, № 87-01-193 March 27, 2019 at the Academic Lyceum of the Branch. The co-organizer is the head of the Spirituality and Enlightenment Department of the Ferghana Regional Office of the Muslim Board of Uzbekistan, the...
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For the graduates of the Fergana branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after M. Al-Khorezmi (TUIT), on March 29, 2019 in the building of the Fergana branch of the TUIT the “Job Fair in 2019” was organized. . 43 enterprises and organizations of the region participated in 65 job vacancies at the Job Fair in 2019. From them: 14 sectoral enterprises and organizations;Business Administrations and Organizations in...
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The Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of March 11, 2019 On measures taken by Ferghana branch of TUIT Al-Xorazmiy on execution of the letter # 87-01-193 INFORMATION Round table on theme: “We are against radicalism, missionary and proselytizing”, “Youth is a healthy lifestyle” on the basis of the letter of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of March 11, 2017, № 87-01-193 It was scheduled for...
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Muxammad – Al Xorazmiy nomidagi Toshkent axborot texnologiyalari universiteti Farg‘ona filialida 2019 yil 25-fevraldan  28-fevralgacha bo‘lgan kunlari rejaga asosan professor-o‘qituvchilar va talabalar o‘rtasida sportning mini futbol, voleybol, yengil atletika (qisqa va o‘rta masofaga yugurish, uzunlikka sakrash estafeta), stol tennisi turlaridan musobaqalar bo‘lib o‘tdi. Musobaqalarda ishtirok etish maqsadida 312 nafar sportchi yoshlar talabnomalarini sport klubiga taqdim etishdi. 25-fevral kuni guruxlar o‘rtasida qura tashlash o‘tkazilib jamoalar o‘yini aniqlandi. Shu kuni musobaqa ochilishida...
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Muhammad – Al Xorazmiy nomidagi Toshkent axborot texnologiyalari universiteti Farg‘ona filialida 2019 yil 28-yanvardan  31-yanvargacha bo‘lgan kunlari rejaga asosan professor-o‘qituvchilar va talabalar o‘rtasida sportning mini futbol, voleybol, yengil atletika (qisqa va o‘rta masofaga yugurish, uzunlikka sakrash estafeta), stol tennisi turlaridan musobaqalar bo‘lib o‘tdi. Musobaqalarda ishtirok etish maqsadida 280 nafar sportchi yoshlar talabnomalarini sport klubiga taqdim etishdi. 28-yanvarr kuni guruxlar o‘rtasida qura tashlash o‘tkazilib jamoalar o‘yini aniqlandi. Shu kuni musobaqa ochilishida...
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