Digital economy is an important factor of development

Globalization processes, such as the dramatic acceleration of life rates, high level of information exchange, the development of world civilization, the ongoing reforms in the country, the unwavering involvement of our society members, modern, creative, entrepreneurial and entrepreneurial to be consistent in their research and development, to learn about the formation and development of digital economy, to develop their skills and knowledge. This, in turn, provides for the organization of scientific conferences and seminars in the field of digital economy with participation of field specialists.

In the Ferghana branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorezmi, on April 19-20, 2019, in cooperation with the scientific research institute “Scientific basis and problems of economic development of Uzbekistan” at the Tashkent State University of Economics, the National Scientific-Practical Seminar on “Formation and Development of a Digital Economy” was held. Specialists from the leading universities of the Republic took part in this workshop with their lectures. Professor of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorezmi, doctor of economic sciences T.Iminov, professor A.Kodirov, professors of Tashkent State Economic University N.Makhmudov, T.Shodiyevs, branch director, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor A.Rasulov , professors A.Abdullayev, M.Botabayev, dotsent R. Zulunov, professors and students.

The seminar was held in the form of debates and debates on a number of topical issues of digital economy. It is noteworthy that digital economy is a multifaceted activity at the seminar:

electronic government;
electronic business;
electronic commerce;
digital economic relations;
digital banks;
digital archives;
virtual enterprises;
Cryptovideo – electronic money;
use of marketing services in social networks;
introduction of blocker technology;
digital “pockets” of enterprises;
digital dividends;
Giants of information and communication technologies – interesting debates about leaders of digital economy such as Apple, Microsoft, Google, Alibaba, KIOMI.
At the workshop, it has been repeatedly stressed that the digital economy is a nation-based, people’s and the most productive for these countries.

This workshop has highlighted the need for more such conferences on the formation and development of digital economy in the future, with the fact that scientists are rich in scientific conclusions and recommendations.


doctor of economics,

Named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi

Tashkent information technologies

University Fergana branch

Humanities and Social Sciences

professor of the department