Head of Department
Toshpulatov Sherali Muhammadaliyevich
Phone: +998933777748
E-mail: toshpulatovsherali12@gmail.com
The international branch of the Fergana branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technology named after Muhammad al-Khorezmi has the following main goals: the creation of a multilingual and culturally rich environment for international cooperation at the university, the development of relations with foreign states and the expansion of the geography of international cooperation with the aim of integrating the university and the international educational space. In the framework of the development of information technology and the integration of the leading parties, there is also a memorandum of cooperation with a number of foreign universities, including Bangladesh, Belarus, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. Krome togo, zaklyucheny memorandumny s mestnymi VUZami, i v ramkax uchebnogo protsesa provodyatsya raboty po razvitiyu vzaimnogo obucheniya. All these documents are friendly and effective. In the university, there is also a scientific center that combines training and modern technology. В filiale actively funktsioniruet Tsentr informatsionnogo zaimodeystviya s Natsionalnym informatsionnym agentstvom Yuzhnoy Korei (NIA). V uchebnom protesse active privlekayutsya inostrannye professory i spetsialisty.
During the academic year, vice-rector Polvonov B.Z. visited Ankara University in Turkey for a short-term internship. During the visit, intense negotiations were held with the university management, and agreements were reached on the issues of establishing a professor-teacher and student exchange, and organizing scientific internships.
Teaching department “Informatsionnykh tekhnologii” S.I. Khonturaev i Pulatov G.G. I received a grant for a scientific internship at the university “Indian technical and economic cooperation” in India, successfully applied for the course “Big data and machine learning”.
612-20 group 4th grade student of our branch Boliboev R.G. participated in the competition held by the National Scholarship Program of the Slovak Republic and became the ERASMUS+ study stay grand prize winner. From February 12 to June 15, 2024, he will study Computer Systems, Data Structures and Algorithms, Principles of Information Security at the Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies of the Slovak University of Technology.
The main tasks of the International Relations Department are as follows:
– Fulfilling the performance indicators of the higher educational institution (according to the results of monitoring by the Ministry of Digital Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan);
– establishing and supporting relations with partners – universities, scientific centers of foreign countries in order to provide education to foreign students and post-graduates at the branch, to conduct practical and scientific research of foreign citizens at the university;
– organization and coordination of the participation of professors-teachers and employees of the branch in international cooperation programs that contribute to the improvement of the quality of specialist training, the implementation of joint scientific research, and the increase of international prestige;
– implementation of academic mobility of professors and students;
– assistance in conducting international scientific seminars, conferences, symposia by the branch and its constituent units and departments.