Head of information resource center

Arakulova Fotimaxon Isroilovna

Telefon: +998905624400

Email: arm@tatuff.uz

General information

The information resource center of the Fergana branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorezmi was created in 2005. The information resource center of the branch has a capacity of 115 seats. The information resource center is equipped with modern technical means. There are 38 modern computers, each of which is connected to the Internet using local networks and Wi-Fi devices. There is 1 color printer, 2 regular printers and 2 fast scanners.

Fund of the Information Resource Center: The general book fund of the Information Resource Center is: 4001 titles and 13031 copies. Of these: educational literature – 2458 titles in 9945 copies, scientific literature – 123 titles in 610 copies, fiction – 886 titles in 1387 copies, other literature – 544 titles in 1089 copies.

Currently, 109 teachers and 790 students are members of the Information Resource Center with a single IRC reading certificate.

The TUITFF electronic library bot has been launched for remote use of the information resource center via the Telegram messenger link https://t.me/libfbtuituz_bot. An electronic library website has been launched at the link https://lib.fbtuit.uz and the possibility of using electronic literature has been created. Currently, the electronic literature base of the IRC is provided with more than 2,100 books, and this year work is underway to ensure that the literature in the IRC fund becomes 100% electronic. Cooperation has been established with domestic and foreign scientific bases as assistants in students’ independent work.

It was possible to use local IRCs and libraries: TUIT, Regional Library and electronic libraries of Ferguson State University.

From foreign collaborations: from the EBSCO scientific and educational database. Headquartered in Ipswich, Massachusetts, EBSCO Information Services is a division of EBSCO Industries Inc. headquartered in Birmingham, Alabama. EBSCO provides services to many libraries around the world.

List of center employees

• Arakulova Fatimakhan Israilovna

• Rakhimova Zulhumor Nasivalievna

• Rakhmankulova Dildora Muhammadjonovna

• Kholkhadzhaeva Mamurahan Obidovna

• Nishonboeva Dildora Sharipovna

• Nasridinova Rashida Juraevna

• Rizaeva Namuna Toirkhanovna

• Ganieva Sahiba Turgunbaevna

• Yakubova Odinahan Akbarovna