Head of the Department
Rayimjonova Odinaxon
Tel: +998902312244
E-mail: odinaxon@tatuff.uz
The history of the department
“Telecommunications” department was established in 2008. In 2008-2009, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Z. Khaidarov, in 2009-2010, senior teacher U.U. Iskandarov, in 2010-2013, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor O.Kh.Koldashev, in 2013-2014, senior teacher A.T.Abdullayev, senior teacher U.U.Iskandarov in 2014-2016, associate professor N.M.Jurayev in 2016-2019, candidate of technical sciences since March 2019, associate professor O.Kh.Koldashov worked as directors. Since September 2019, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) O.S.Rayimjonova has been working as the head of the department. Currently, the department is called “Telecommunications Engineering”. In the course of the department’s activities, the Ministry of Information Technology and Communications Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Fergana Regional Department, the Fergana, Andijan, Namangan branches of the joint-stock company “Uzbektelecom”, the Electromagnetic Adaptation Center, the Andijan Radio and Television Center, the Branch of Telecommunication Transport Networks 2- cooperative relations have been established with educational institutions such as the enterprises of the association, the academic lyceum under the Fergana branch of TATU, the Fergana transport and service technical school.
Currently, the department offers more than 25 subjects to students of “5350100-Telecommunication technologies”, “60611000-Telecommunication technologies (Telecommunications)”, “5330500-Computer engineering”, “60610500-Computer engineering”, “5330600-Software engineering”, “5350400-Vocational education in the field of information communication”, “5330300-Information security” and 5A350101-Telecommunication engineering master’s degree students will be given lessons in 4 subjects. Harmony of education and production process has been achieved in the department. The joint activity of teachers with great experience in production and young teachers who are hungry for knowledge and capable of scientific research gives good results, especially in students’ assimilation of new innovative techniques and technologies.
The department is responsible for the training of young personnel in the “5350100-Telecommunication technologies”, “60611000-Telecommunication technologies (Telecommunications)” bachelor’s program. Graduates who received this bachelor’s degree work in all areas of the economy, especially in the field of telecommunications, and contribute to the development of our country. The material and technical base of the department is getting stronger every year. Currently, the department has a modern stand and equipment brought from St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, “Telecommunication Networks” for practical training and laboratory work in subjects such as “Electronics and Circuits”, “Electronics and Circuits”, “Introduction to the Design of Digital Devices”, “Next Generation Convergent Networks”, “Wireless Communication Systems”, “Systems and Signal Processing”, “Operating Systems in Telecommunications” and other subjects, brought and installed equipment from industry enterprises for practical training and laboratory work and equipment is available. Scientific works and researches are widely launched in the department. In 2019, senior lecturers of the department O.S.Rayimjonova under the leadership of TSTU professor Yu.G.Shipulin on the topics “Improvement of hybrid converters of gas flow parameters for control and management systems”, R.A.Nurdinova under the leadership of FarPI professor A.M.Kasimokhunova on the topics “Creation of a generator type photo receiver device” defended their doctoral theses and received the PhD degree. In 2021, the assistant of the department N.Mamasodikova defended her scientific work on the topic “Automated monitoring system of technological parameters of the oil extraction process” under the guidance of TDTU professor I. Kh. Siddikov. The professors-teachers of the department are actively participating in republican and international methodical seminars and conferences, and are conducting research in the field of new innovative technologies.
Department duties
One of the main tasks facing the team of the “Telecommunications Engineering” department is the training of competitive, mature personnel who service modern telecommunications equipment, as well as the task of conducting educational, teaching-methodical, scientific-research, and spiritual-educational work. placed Currently, 5 associate professors, 5 senior teachers, 11 assistants are working in the department.
Areas of specialization at the department:
• 60611000 – “Telecommunication technologies” (Telecommunications)
• 70611001 – “Telecommunication engineering” (teleradio broadcasting)
List of subjects taught at the department:
1. Electronics and circuits 1
2. Signals and systems
3. Information and coding theory
4. Microprocessor and assembler language
5. Systems and signal processing
6. Digital logistics
7. Postal communication infrastructure
8. Network modeling and simulation
9. Multimedia communication networks
10. IT/SSS 1
11. IT/SSS 2
12. IT/SSS 3
13. Electronic elements of electronics and robotics
14. Electronics and circuits2
15. Electromagnetic fields and waves
16. IT/SSS (TT 2nd year)
17. Transport and customs logistics
18. Metrology and standardization
19. Microprocessors
20. Schematics and microprocessor systems
21. IT/SSS (PAT 2nd year)
22. Postal communication technology
23. Wireless networks
24. Optical communication systems
25. IT/SSS 1
26. IT/SSS 2
27. Electronics and circuits
28. Organization of studio and non-studio broadcasts
29. Practical TV systems
30. Design of radioelectric devices in information technologies
31. Optical communication networks
32. Next generation networks
List of professors and teachers of the department:
Yoqubov Shokirjon Shukrullo o‘g‘li – assistant
Professors and teachers conducting scientific research work at the department:
• “Technical, algorithmic, software and methods of gas and liquid flow control and diagnostics in main turbopipes” (O. Rayimjonova)
• “Structural, optical, photoelectric properties of PbTe, polycrystalline thin films (M. Khalilov).
• “Photoelectric state in AFN elements and its application (SI, AsGa, GaAs)” (L. Dalibekov)
• Study of anomalous photovoltage process (N. Joraev)
• “Investigation of a laser microphone for obtaining information” (U. Iskandarov)
• “Creating a device that receives ordinary light from solar radiation and determining the scientific and technical basis of their use in the national economy” (G. Jorayeva)
• “Development of an optoelectronic device that controls the composition of geothermal waters” (Sh. Ergashev)
• “Complex use of renewable energy sources in the provision of electricity to autonomous consumers of Fergana region” (M. Tillaboyev)
• “Supplying agricultural consumers with electricity using geothermal and solar energy” (A. Komilov)
The project was completed by:
• The project was completed by “Uzbektelecom” JSC “Improving the efficiency of the power supply systems of the telecommunications enterprise of the Fergana branch of Uzbektelecom JSC using alternative energy sources” for a total of 29,500,000 (twenty nine million and five hundred thousand) soums with the application TI-2/20 (21.10.2020)
• The project “Development of optimal solutions for the use of telecommunication technologies in the Internet of Things system” is planned for 10,000,000 (ten million) soums / 2-21 (22.11.2021) and is expected to be completed;
• “Improving the efficiency of power supply systems of production facilities of the Fergana branch of JSC “UZBEKTELEKOM” using alternative energy sources” is planned for 105,000,000 (a hundred and five million) soums / 1-21 (24.11.2021) and is expected to be completed.
The list of textbooks and training manuals created by professors of the department:
1. O.Rayimjonova (Chairman of Computer Science and Engineering) Development and application of methods of tolerance control systems and diagnostics of parameters in the production of composite materials based on intelligent technologies.
2. G.Jo’rayeva (katta o’qituvchi) Quyosh radiatsiyasidan oddiy yorug’lik oladigan qurilma yaratish va ulardan halq xo’jaligida foydalanishning ilmiy texnik asoslarini aniqlash
3. N.Jo’rayev (dotsent) Telekommunikatsiya tizimlarida texnik utatsiya jarayonlarini optimallashtirish
4. U.Iskandarov (dotsent) Masofali akustik axborot qidiruv lazer mikrofonini yaratish va tadqiq etish
5. R.Nurdinova (dotsent) Development of a thermal generator for medical devices
6. M.Xalilov (katta o’qituvchi) PbTe polikristall yupqa qatlamlarning structure tomatlashgan ta’minlagichni ishlab chiqish va parametrlarini asoslash
7. Sh.Ergashev (Katta o‘qituvchi) Geotermal suvlar tarkibini nazorat qiluvchi optoelektron qurilmani ishlab chiqish
8. L.Dalibekov (katta o‘qituvchi) Linter ishchi kamerasi xom ashyo valigi uchun avtomatlashgan ta’minlagichni ishlab chiqish va parametrlarini asoslash
9. M. Tillaboyev (assistant) “Integrated use of renewable energy sources for power supply to autonomous consumers in the Fergana region”
10. A. Komilov (katta o’qituvchi) InAs yorug’lik nurlovchi diodlar asosidagi geothermal gazlarni nazorat qiluvchi opto elektron qurilma
11. I.Maxmudov (assistant) Wi-Fi HaLow tarmoqlarida cheklangan kirish oynasi mexanizmining samaradorligini tahlil qilish
12. M. Madaminov (assistant) Intelligent optoelectronic converters of monitoring and control systems for parameters of moving units
13. Sh.Yoqubov (assistant) O’zbekiston Res publikasida IoT tarmoq standartlaridan foydalanish sohalarni samaradorligini oshirish.
14. I.Tajiboyev (assistant) Tola-optik aloqa va radiotexnik qurilmalar parametrlarini moslashtirish va raqamli ishlov berish usullari
15. X.Abdusamatov (assistant) Gamma nurlari ta’sirida bo’lgan AIGalnP geterostrukturalari asosida LED larning termik tovlan ishi
16. M.Ismoilov (dotsent) Muqobil energiya manbaalaridan foydalanib quyosh kollektorlarini ishlash tizimini takomillashtirish
17. S.Xusanova (assistant) Suyuq muhit uchun optoelektron daraja o’lchagichlarning metrologik xususiyatlarini yaxshilashning texnologik usullari
18. D.Komilov (assistant) Saralash moslamalarining ranglarini boshqarish tizimlari uchun aqlli ko’p parametrli optoelektronik konvertorlar
Position Instructions: